Author Archives: loopion - Page 3

Delete all .SVN folders and files from a directory

Nice DOS command script to remove all .svn files and folders. Some guy’s don’t know already the export function of SVN…

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('dir /s /b /a:d *svn') do (
rd /s /q "%%i"

Am I a curator?

Link: Am I a curator?

En lisant cet article je me suis énormément reconnu. Pouvez vous me le confirmer ?

Il faut toujours avoir des projections pessimiste mais avoir une motivation et un morale optimiste. Non ? – Mp3 Music Search and Music Downloads

Link: – Mp3 Music Search and Music Downloads

Ok, now we are talking! Piracy will continue and drain a lot of new users everyday. How do you want to stop that?

Mulve sounds to get 90’s and early 00’s back on the stage with Napster like software, where are we going?

Answer: in a KISS direction. Keep It Stupid Simple!

[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]

Salsa afterwork at meatpacking.

Beach… Headset… Rest… Peaceful…

Dedicated to someone that will recognize his self


via Nathan Hurst’s Blog

Project Management For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Link: Project Management For Dummies Cheat Sheet