Tag Archives: project

Second Magento project online

I learn more and more everyday about e-commerce and last Friday I launched my second Magento project!


This project was a migration from a Microsoft E-Commerce Solution to Magento with a huge touch of marketing and SEO.

You should taste those gorgeous and tasty products from Provence!

Magento everyday

Willing one day to learn more about Magento, I did it during the last 3 months and finally I launched my first Magento project a few weeks ago. What I can say is that it’s a very huge e-commerce platform! Possibility are endless! But what interest me the most are the way to increase sales via social networks, improving SEO, background synchronization with ERP and warehouses and make some modifications/innovations regarding user experience.

Take a look at http://www.vilebrequinonlinestore.com/

TwitterQuotes is dangerous…

I created a small project (POC) to prove a friend that it was possible to create a mashup very fast using only Twitter API and I Heart Quotes API. TwitterQuotes.net have been banned but why ?

  • Simply because asking login and password from users isn’t safe for users and that’s totally legitimate.
  • The other factor is that I closed my old WordPress blog where there was announces about TwitterQuotes

Now TwitterQuotes is living his last days/hours to live… Or maybe I could rewrite just a part to let user input credentials into Twitter official website? However, It was a nice project and remember that this website was designed and developed in less than 30 minutes! 😉